Fixed a problem where clicking on a Topic in the OW did not automatically update the list of Ideas contained in that Topic.
VIK (1.2.1) — Version 1.2 did not update text window properly when switching between chapters or following Idea Links. This version fixes that problem.
Added an option use either existing paragraph indent levels or the number of tabs at the start of a paragraph to determine the structure of a new outline. This option was added to provide support for users of MORE who want to import their Outlines. Using a free utility you can export your MORE files as text files that, with this new option, can be converted to Idea Keeper outlines with the same structure.
Increased the maximum number of Topic Folders to 50.
Added an additional alias handle to the File-Link/Alias Objects. This alias points to the target using the active Topic Folder as the starting point for a relative search. This new relative search path is the default search path. This search path now works for all newly created alias objects. VIK (1.2.2) updated to incorporate this change.
Added a “safety” backup buffer to all preferences files (including the Clippings Window contents) so that if any errors occur during a save, the contents of the file can be recovered.
Work on navigation and editing behavior in Outlining mode.
Dragging entire branches within an Idea In Outlining mode (when red horizontal insertion bar is displayed) now works transparently when dragging to a second Idea window that is also in Outlining mode.
Improved text updating during branch dragging within Ideas in Outlining mode.
When dragging text into an Idea in Outlinine mode - all of the returns are stripped from this text before being added. The rationale here is that the outline structure shouldn’t be altered by the addition of new information - and that the information to be added should be placed exactly where you dropped it. If the returns are not stripped, then they create new branches where the text is dropped. It is ambiguous how to format the “new branches” created in such a scenario - so the issue is made moot by not allowing branches to be created in this instance. Note - if you want to create branches for each return within a range of text you are dragging into an Idea in Outlining mode - that text has to come from another Idea in Outlining mode. Further, the text dragged from the Idea in Outlining mode must be a Branch drag.
Dragging branches from an Idea in Outlining mode to an Idea not in Outlining mode now properly expands all branches and deletes Outlining controls.
Modified how the RETURN key works
Return with no modifiers creates a new sibling link immediately FOLLOWING the current branch.
Option-Return inserts a return with no outline control character. This is a useful formatting “device,” that allows you to create paragraphs that do not alter outline numbering.
Command-Return works just like the old Return - it will “split” the current branch at the location of the insertion bar (deleting any selected text).
Idea Keeper now warns you if you are about to delete a range of text that crosses branch boundaries. This action can lead to “unintended” consequences for the format of the outline’s indentation structure. So, the user is warned.
Version 2.0.7
Fixed a problem where Idea Keeper could, in some circumstances, cause Resource Files to get confused between itself and a neighboring application.
Improved redrawing/text positioning for Topic/Idea renaming & in-cell editing within the Organizer Window.
Fixed a problem (introduced in 2.0.6) where exporting some Ideas could lead to an “endless loop” - making Idea Keeper hang. This showed up when exporting a mixture of Ideas in outlining and non-outlining mode as a single text file.
Fixed a problem with dialogs that positioned themselves over an Idea window. When the dialog was larger then the Idea window, and the Idea window was near the edge of the window, these dialogs were displayed partly on and partly of the screen.
If the “Remember Selection” option is on - Idea Links created by dragging from the Drag Pad (light bulb icon in Action Toolbar) or the icon within an Idea’s title bar now remember the active selection.
Modifed how Drags are performed with selected in Ideas in Outlining Mode.
Holding down the option key when you click on a range of selected text (at least one character/object needs to be selected) allows you to a normal text drag.
If the option key is kept down when the mouse button is released (the drag is finished) then a copy of the text is made. If the option key is not held down, then the selection is copied.
Significantly improved how Idea Keeper handled the reordering of Topics and Ideas in the Organizer Window via drag and drop.
Version 2.0.6
Upgraded the text engine inside Idea Keeper (WASTE) from 2.0a13 to 2.0a15. This change leads to 2 changes: (1) temporary memory is now used a bit more by Idea Keeper, thereby reducing absolute memory allocation to Idea Keeper’s partition and (2) a bug in all prior versions of the WASTE text engine that could have led to some instability has been fixed.
Following the above change - the default memory partition for Idea Keeper was reduced to 7.5 Mb.
Several “internal” changes to the routines used to export & import documents with the Palm Pilot.
Fixed a bug (introduced in 2.0.4) in which many popup menus (but not all) stopped working. Their default value was displayed and you could not change it.
Fixed a bug where renaming an Idea using the contextual menu (control-clicking in Idea window) did not work.
Fixed a problem in VIK where File Links were not working - this was broken in 2.0.1z. File links in VIK now work just like the updated File Links do in Idea Keeper.
Fixed a bug where images from files were not imported correctly when dropped on the Drop Zone or Clippings window.
Improved “intelligence” of text label assigned by default to imported clippings (via Drop Zone or Grab Clipboard).
When exporting text files - Idea Keeper now converts embedded objects to strings of text that contain the essential content of the object that had been there. This allows the content of Ideas, including objects, to be accessible in exported Ideas by applications other than Idea Keeper.
Made significant improvements to the behavior & appearance of VIK. The index now displays chapter (Topic) headings in a different text than subheadings (ideas), uses less memory, updates w/o flickering, and re-enables the comman-1 quick-switching between chapters.
Version 2.0.5
Moved 1-step closer to full-compatibility with Japanese systems. All “base” fonts for windows, lists, etc. are now _based_ on the “List View” font you set in the Appearance Control Panel (Appearance Manager 1.1 and later) or the default “dialog font” for Appearance Manager < 1.1.
Fixed a problem with the new Outlining “More” submenu. Its menu ID conflicted with the id of the Idea submenu for the first Topic in the “Topics & Ideas” hierarchical menu in the Navigation menu.
Fixed a problem where the Topic popup menu was disabled in the Direct Clippings window when activated in a program other than Idea Keeper.
Fixed a problem where some windows (e.g., the Style Template Window) would sometimes be placed partially off-screen.
Version 2.0.4
Fixed a problem with popup menus - where updating a window following use could (rarely) cause a system crash.
Fixed another security breach, where ideas left open in a locked topic could be re-opened w/o a password the next time Idea Keeper was used.
Fixed a problem where drag-and-drop of images into Idea windows was broken.
Fixed a problem where manually entered names in director window (when importing a clip/drag via the Grab Clipboard Hot Key or the Drop Zone) were not used for clippings/ideas.
Modified Outlining (slightly).
I have added a few new commands. To preserve the current Outlining menu structure, these new commands have been added as a “More...” submenu. These commands include: Expand To... (allows you to expand all branches up to a specific indent level, where zero is the “base” indent level), New Daughter (adds a new, 1-indented branch immediately following the parent-branch where the insertion bar is located), and New Sibling (same as new daughter, but new branch has same indent level as parent).
I have ADDED new key-equivalents for move up/down/left/right in the Outlining menu. Previously, the Outlining menu displayed the corresponding arrow keys + control. Now the outlining menu displays control + letter (U/D/L/R respectively). NOTE, the control-arrow keys still work!
Added Help buttons to the About window.
Added an additional “constraint” to drags within Ideas in Outlining mode. You can no longer drag “snippets” of text. Rather, ever drag is interpreted to be a “branch” drag. Branch drags allow you to move branches within the outline. Previously, to activate a branch drag you needed to click-drag on an outline object. This path still works - and is a convenient method for initiating a branch drag w/o first selecting text.
Version 2.0.3
Fixed some problems with the Password entry window.
The “label” text was aligned on the right side of the window.
The bullet-characters that hid the actual password as you typed were typed on a gray-field (it should be white).
Pressing cancel on the Global Password dialog would cause Idea Keeper to crash.
Fixed some security breaches with password-protected Topics.
You could view the names of the Ideas contained in password protected Topics in both the Idea List and the hierarchical Navigation menu. This is now fixed
You could export (and then re-import) the Ideas from Password protected Topics. Note - you can still export password protected Topics - but they continue to be password protected when re-imported so they are safe.
Version 2.0.2
Added ability to name clips as they are grabbed using the Grab Clipboard hot key.
You can change the order of clippings in the Clippings window via drag-and-drop.
The act of Switching Topic Folders now automatically adds an entry to the “Last Activated Link” feature. This means that if you switch a Topic Folder - and then want to go back to where you were before — all you need to do is select “Last Activated Link” from the Navigation Menu an it will take you back to where you were in the last Topic Folder. This may be particularly useful for going to/from the documentation.
The Organizer Window display is now updated dynamically to reflect changes in the active Idea.
Significantly enhanced the Text Stamp Palette.
Text Stamps can now contain STYLED text.
You can import and export text stamps via both standard drag and drop operations and via the clip board (using 2 new buttons that replace the import/export buttons: To Clip and From Clip).
You can change the order of text stamps using drag and drop of items within the list.
Dragging a Text Stamp to the trash now deletes it.
Updated balloon help.
Fixed a problem where Ideas were not being flagged as “dirty” (which triggers subsequent save) when inserting new objects.
Fixed a problem where new dialogs were ending up in odd positions on the screen - often not anywhere near where the “parent” window was located.
Fixed a problem where “active” text was not automatically scrolled into view when moving paragraphs/branches up/down using control up/down arrows.
Fixed a problem where the Home & End keys did not work properly.
Both the Text Stamps Palette & the Clippings Window now give proper visual feedback when accepting drags.
The “hit count” in the Global Search window is now automatically updated after each search.
Fixed a problem where the name of a clipping in the Clippings window was formatted oddly if (1) the clipping was text & (2) the clipping was added via drag-and-drop & (3) the clipping contained one or more tabs.
Version 2.0.1z
Bug Fixes
Disabled list shading in Organizer Window. This is not a standard GUI requirement and had created some confusion when (1) lists were not properly reactivated and (2) when dragging to lists.
Fixed a problem with the Key Word popup menu used in the Anchor Palette to filter out Ideas with specific Key Words. The top 2 items in the menu had accidentally been erased - leading to an indexing problem. If you never tried filtering the anchors in the Anchor Palette by Key Word - this bug did not affect you.
Fixed a problem with the floating palettes - if you clicked the go-away button, the window behind the palette was activated because the mouse down “dropped through” the palette.
Fixed a bug where Topic File Links and Idea File Links could cause a Idea Keeper to crash if you tried linking to a Topic or Idea not present within the Topic Folders you have defined. This could occur by creating links to items in the Documentation (accessed from the Help menu) or if an item (Topic Folder, Topic, or Idea) were deleted. Idea Keeper now politely tells you it couldn’t find the target of a link.
Alias Objects (aka File Link Objects) now work better. Alias objects now first look for a local copy of the file. The file is looked for relative to the position of where Idea Keeper is on your computer. If it cannot find the file, it reverts to a global search that will remember the actual volume that the original file used to create the file link was located on. If this volume is on another volume on your network - Idea Keeper will attempt to mount that volume to get at the target. Note This new behavior works only with Alias Objects created in this version of Idea Keeper or later. Old Alias objects will continue working as they did before (which was with an absolute search path).
Fixed a problem with the text export feature, where paragraph formatting in Ideas exported as text was lost.
Fixed a problem where there was an appearance problem in the Organizer Window when a font size larger than 12 was used as the default list font.
Fixed the Edit Menu’s hilight status so that it is dimmed when the Organizer Window is active but no cells are in edit mode.
Fixed an error in the documentation regarding where URL objects are inserted when importing a bookmark file.
Fixed a large number of errors in the balloon help in dialogs. This was particularly a problem within the Preferences window.
Crashes reported by some users when dismissing alarms or viewing alarms in the View Alarms window have been fixed.
Default action in Alarm Notification dialog is now to dismiss rather than to delete the alarm.
Replaced how HOME and END keys are identified. Previously Idea Keeper used a character code mask. Several users reported that these keys were reversed, suggesting that the character code mask was not a valid way of distinguising these keys. Idea Keeper now uses a key code mask.
Feature Updates
Holding down the Option key while activating an Idea Link closes the Idea containing the Idea Link. This also applies to the "Last Activated Link" Command. NOTE: The "Last Activated Link" keyboard equivalent has been changed so that it does NOT include the option key. When you hold down the option key and press the new keyboard equivalent (command-shift-[), the active Idea is closed. ALSO - the “Hide on Previous/Next” option has been extended to Idea Links and “Last Activated Link” as well.
Holding down the command key while activating an Alias object (aka File Link) allows you to edit/change the object.
Version 2.0.1f
Fixed a bug where if you opened the Key Words window Idea Keeper would give you a progress window and hang.
Version 2.0.1e
Version 2.0.1d accidently "turned off" the Grab Clipboard and Drop Zone features. These have been re-activated.
Fixed a problem where the text fields in the Register window were not properly updated (the selected text was inverted - it was a peculiar problem).
Fixed some typographical errors and bad links in the documentation.
Version 2.0.1d
Fixed a bug where the Find/Replace ALL command would result in an infinite loop if the replace string was empty.
Version 2.0.1c
Fixed a bug that caused a crash if you tried opening a Topic file from the Open submenu.
Version 2.0.1b
Fixed a continuing bug that caused the Help Topic Folders to crash when used.
Version 2.0.1a
Fixed a bug that caused the Help Topic Folders to crash when used.
Fixed a bug where standard editing was not working in Modal Dialogs.
There was a report of problems dragging items from/within lists — unable to replicate problem but use of color cursor “fist” to indicate drag in progress was removed (just in case).
Version 2.0.1
Importing clippings via Grab Clipboard Hot Key now properly notifies user via beep when that setting is on.
Fixed a bug where if you had the Auto Add Idea option checked (Idea Settings pane of the Preferences window), the window Idea Keeper presented to name the Idea had an improperly initialized menu of Topics in which to place the Idea.
Fixed a bug where only the first item of drags into Idea Windows was processed.
Fixed a bug where dragging to the Drop Zone did not work if the "Ask Where to Put Clips" option (Grab Clipboard pane of the Preferences window) was not checked.
Fixed a bug where dragging more than one item from the clippings window at a time (to an Idea Window) resulted in only the first selected item being dragged.
Fixed a bug in which _deleted_ contents of the Clippings window were retained in memory after restarting Idea Keeper.
Increased default memory partition. If Virtual memory was off and you used documentation it wasn't sufficient.